Hosting a Concert
Hosting a house concert can be as simple as inviting a group of music-loving friends over for coffee and tea and a musical experience. You simply need to schedule a date with us and then together we will make some decisions about time and what you would offer as the containing experience, remembering that food and music are a fabulous combination. Whether you have a potluck, or provide wine and cheese, or tea and cookies is totally up to you.
You can host the house concert as a gift to your friends and community (in which case, you would pay our fee yourself), or you can put out a basket for donations (we suggest $10-$20 per person sliding scale) and “no music-lover turned away for lack of funds”.
Very detailed information can be found in our downloadable brochure “How to Host a House Concert”. We will be delighted to help you and walk you the through the process. We also will provide you with a customized flyer to email to friends with all the information for your house concert.